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Lake Munmorah Public School

Lake Munmorah Public School

Believe and Achieve

Telephone02 4358 1171

School Canteen

The P&C met on Tuesday night and worked through some important business items, one of which was to consider the opportunity to take on the operation of the school canteen. After a lot of discussion a motion was put and passed unanimously that they would assume responsibility for the canteen from the beginning of Week 6 this term. A canteen committee has been established, being led by Mr Richard Smider and they have already commenced preparations to run the canteen service. There will be a paid canteen manager who will run the canteen and the advertisement for this should be in this newsletter next week. However, a strong canteen relies heavily on volunteer support and a call for volunteers will be made soon. I would like to think that our community will fall in behind the P&C and generously offer time to volunteer help and work in the canteen. It is important to note that there was strong acknowledgement of the work done by Ms Sharon Jaques, the current canteen manager, and recognition of her commitment in offering the children a quality service each day. Sharon has a great love for what she does and I know the children really enjoy having contact with her each day and I know she will be missed.