Lake Munmorah Public School

Believe and Achieve

Telephone02 4358 1171

Lake Munmorah Public School Excursion Policy

Policy Statement



1.1 - Excursions are part of quality teaching and learning programs. School excursions are structured learning experiences provided or managed by the school, conducted on or external to the school site, as determined by the principal. Incursions are a type of excursion, conducted on the school site.

1.2- Excursions provide educational value by supporting curriculum outcomes, in consideration of the needs and resources of the school, the needs of the students and the total learning program.

1.3- Excursions are inclusive. All students within a specific learning group are to be given the opportunity to participate, unless exceptional circumstances exist.

1.4- The department has a duty of care to students while on excursions and this duty cannot be delegated to any third party or organisation.

1.5- Identifying and assessing risk needs to be integrated into excursion planning to ensure appropriate risk management strategies are developed. An approved risk management plan must be implemented at all stages of an excursion.

1.6- The obligation to report suspected risk of harm to children and young people applies throughout all stages of an excursion.

1.7- Schools require the following from parents and carers before an excursion takes place. Translated documents are provided where required:

1.7.1-permission for students to participate in excursions, including activities during an excursion

1.7.2- a medical information form.

1.8- The Behaviour code for students applies at all times while on excursions.

1.9- Additional mandatory procedures apply to excursions that involve overseas travel.


Audience and applicability


2.1- All NSW government schools and preschools.

2.2- Excursions involving preschool children are subject to specific protocols under the Education and Care Services National Regulations External link.

2.3- Residential high schools and schools in Juvenile Justice Centres are subject to specific additional procedures with regard to students in residence.

2.4- The following are not covered under this policy:

2.4.1- workplace learning programs

2.4.2- privately organised tours, events or other activities – the department is not responsible for these.


3.1- The department is committed to providing a safe, secure, disciplined, inclusive, and quality learning environment in which students can develop their individual talents, interests and abilities through a curriculum that fosters students’ intellectual, physical, social and ethical development. Excursions Planning and Management provides detailed direction and guidance to schools.

3.2- School excursions vary in terms of the curriculum focus, students involved, duration of the excursion and venue. Groups participating in an excursion may be a class or a group of students drawn from a number of classes or schools.

3.3- Excursions can range from an incursion to an extended journey occupying a number of days or weeks requiring overnight or long-term accommodation.

Responsibilities and delegations

4.1- Principals:

4.1.1- approve all domestic excursions within Australia involving their school

4.1.2- approve their own school’s participation when more than one school is involved

4.1.3- ensure that a risk assessment and management plan for the excursion has been completed

4.1.4- endorse overseas excursions and submit the overseas excursions application to their Director, Educational Leadership for approval by the Executive Director in line with the department’s overseas excursions application and approval process

4.1.5- maintain records of excursions and any incidents occurring on an excursion

4.1.6- exercise a duty of care towards all students, staff and other participants

4.1.7- evaluate their school’s practices for the safe conduct of excursions on the basis of past experience, systemic and locally produced risk profiles and teaching and learning outcomes

4.1.8- manage any issues or incidents arising from school excursions, consistent with the department’s Controversial Issues in Schools policy and Incident Notification and Response policy (staff only)

4.1.9- ensure the appropriate infection control measures are included in the planning and are followed during the excursion.

4.2- Teachers:

4.2.1- may initiate and organise excursions

4.2.2- exercise a duty of care to all students

4.2.3- complete and monitor risk assessments for each planned excursion ensuring there will be adequate supervision

4.2.4- report any incidents that occur on an excursion

4.2.5- who organise an overseas excursion do so in line with the department’s overseas excursions application and approval process.

4.3- Directors, Educational Leadership:

4.3.1- endorse an overseas excursion proposal

4.3.2- endorse an overseas excursion for the approval to their Executive Director in line with the department’s overseas excursions application and approval process

4.3.3- monitor schools’ compliance with this policy.

4.4- Executive Directors:

4.4.1- approve overseas excursions in line with the department’s overseas excursions application and approval process.


Excursions/ Incursions Per Year


Maximum number per year:

Early Intervention: Not offered due to nature of the setting

Multi-categorical: Up to 1x day excursion and 1 x incursion per semester (where appropriate, MC students may also access stage based excursions)

Early Stage 1: Up to 1x day excursion and 1 x incursion per semester

Stage 1: Up to 1x day excursion and 1 x incursion per semester

Stage 2: 1 x Overnight excursion and 1 x day excursion per year as well as up to 1 x incursion per semester

Stage 3: 1 x 1 x Overnight excursion and 1 x day excursion per year as well as up to 1 x incursion per semester


Risk Management           


5.1- Risk Assessment

5.1.1- It is the responsibility of the coordinating teacher to assess the risks of the pending excursion

5.1.2- Food allergies must be addressed in the risk assessment

5.1.3- Medical considerations must be addressed and the staff member responsible must hold medical administration certificate through the DoE

5.1.4- DoE and ratios for specific venues

5.1.3- Venue risk assessments must be attached to the school’s risk assessment where available

5.2.1- The Coordinating teacher must submit a risk assessment to the Principal for consideration at least 1 week prior to the excursion

5.2.2- Once approved, the coordinating teacher needs to supply all supervising teachers with a copy of the Risk Assessment prior to the excursion. The attending teachers are required to sign the master copy.




6.1- For full day, overnight or excursion requiring travel on the freeway, buses with seatbelts are required

6.2- For ‘regular outings’ (e.g. sporting carnivals), normal transport non-belted buses may be utilised

                6.2.1- Where possible, students are required to be seated

                6.2.2- Guidelines for number of travellers on the specific mode of transport must be adhered to

6.2.3- When travelling via private transport or mini-bus, students requiring car/booster seats must be harnessed according to NSW transport staying safe guidelines

6.3- When travelling in a car, written permission must be sought from parents    

6.3.1- When travelling in a private car, parents and staff members must not travel 1:1 with a child. A second staff member or child must accompany the trip (unless it is a parent/own child scenario)




7.1- Students are expected to represent the school respectfully, responsibly and safely at all times

7.2- On the permission note, parents agree to their child behaving in a responsible manner

7.3- Parents may be requested to collect their child if their child’s behaviour is deemed unsafe or unsatisfactory

7.4- Any student who is suspended twice in the semester preceding the excursion, is not eligible to attend


Parent Volunteers           


8.1- Parent volunteers are required to have a current Working with Children’s clearance

8.2- Parent volunteers are not permitted to attend overnight excursion and stay in the accommodation with staff/students unless special permission is granted from the Principal

8.2.1- If parents are required to attend an overnight excursion due to the needs of their child, they are encouraged to stay in accommodation nearby, at their own expense


Overnight Excursions         


Students attending an overnight excursion are arranged into gender specific sleeping quarters.

Phones are not permitted to be taken. If contact with students is required, it is to be arranged between the school and attending teachers.